Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Christmas Time..Show Me Your Stuff

081111_08Xmas_DSH_65 {Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle}

If you haven’t noticed it’s getting pretty darn close to Christmas.  I am definitely not prepared this year.  I’ve bought a total of 2 whole gifts so far.  I’ve got one shopping weekend left and I’m sure it’s going to be a madhouse out there.  I’m going to put on my brave face though and get it done. 

One thing I have done is my Christmas decorating.  We only did a tree this year due to lack of time to decorate anything else but even our tree adds just enough Christmas to our home. 

I thought it would be fun if I featured some of YOUR Christmas decorations on my blog.  It will be fun for me to see how you all have decorated your homes but it will also be fun for everyone else to see as well. 

So here’s what I need from you.  Send me an email to charmhomedesign@gmail.com and attach a picture or two of your decorated home.  It can be of the outside or the inside.  In the subject line of the email write “Christmas Time” and in the body of the email let me know 2 things: 1.) Your City and State, 2.)  Your name, blog or twitter handle(or you can choose to show your picture anonymously). 

Start sending your pictures as soon as  you get them ready.  I’ll start posting these pictures on Monday of next week.  I can’t wait to see all of your incredible decorations.


xo, Cristi

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