
不好意思 這間房屋本應在聖誕節前就要發表的, 但是因為前些日子因為私事太忙了,
而來不急發表, 還好現在還是冬季也算是小小的應景了, 希望大家會喜歡囉!
這房子檔案滿大的 安裝時會花點時間喔!
Monte Vista地圖 用地50X50
Built with all Eps up to Into the Future.
(Stuff packs: Monte Vista).
模擬市民3 , 世界歷險記, 夢想起飛, 夜店人生, 花樣年華, 完美寵物, 華麗舞台,
異能新世紀, 四季, 大學生活, 島嶼天堂, 前進未來.
Store items (not included) 商店物品不包含:
*The floral patterns that I used for some objects
will not show up automatically.
After you place the lot, please manually reset the patterns.
will not show up automatically.
After you place the lot, please manually reset the patterns.
They are included in the download file, thank you!
請放置用地後自行調整圖樣喔! 謝謝!
Please MAKE A BACKUP of your game folder before installing my Sims3 houses.
“My Documents/EA/the Sims3/DCcache” folder. THEY ARE CC HEAVY.****Thank you!
請備份遊戲資料夾後再安裝我的模三房屋 (內含大量CC), “My Documents/EA/the Sims3/DCcache”
CC download sites: Ruby 推薦自訂物件下載網站 Sims3