Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Sims4 Neutral Chic House 低彩度現代鄉村宅

 Click on images to enlarge  點圖可以放大喔

profil true profil blee profil brew profil buc profil red

Lot Size:  40 x 30

You can download the “First Snow” Mod by SimCookie Here   雪景MOD下載

Require Expansion Packs:  Get to Work  + Get to Together + Perfect Patio Stuff

需要資料片:  來去上班 + 同歡共樂 + 完美露臺組

**Some heightened and free stand objects may lose their height after a new installation of the lot.  If you want to have the same details like my screenshots.  You can turn on bb.moveobjects cheat, then grab the object and press 9 to move up, press 0 to move down, until it is at the height you want.  
If it is necessary, while holding the object, use Alt to place it off grid.
**在放置房屋後 一些物件的高度可能會與我的圖片不同, 
可以使用bb.moveobjects密技, 抓住物件並按9來升高物品, 按0來降低. 按住ALT 可以隨意擺放物品.

4/27**I am so sorry to inform that the objects converted by tingelingelate are no longer free to download. http://www.tingelingelater.com/ has recently became a paysite.

由tingelingelate轉檔成模四物件, 變成付費物件 所以不再是免費下載的了 隨意將他人物品自己轉檔後來收費 實在讓人難以接受 >"<

Required CC: (Not included in the Download File)  需要的CC (不包含與檔案內 請另外下載呦!)

1.  Windows  TS3>TS4 Simlisch’s City Build converted by tingelingelate (paysite) 門窗組

2. Windows  TS3>TS4 Simlisch’s Town Set. converted by tingelingelate (paysite) 門窗組

3.  TS3>TS4 Madaya74’s Rooflights. converted by tingelingelate (paysite) 天窗組

4.  The life in Shikumen  門窗組

5.  String of Inspiration -   ceiling 75%  天花板燈

6.  Teapot Planter  茶壺花盆

7.  Tinkle’s Hanging Terrariums  垂吊植物

8.  Tiled Stove  壁爐

9.  Wooden Gaming Tables  木製遊戲桌

10. Bags on the Wall  牆上包包

11.  Urban Loft Living Basket Table

12. Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Kitchen Crate Bottle

13. Grayson Wall Shelf

  Download the house / Mirror

I have included most of the CC in the Download File.  

Many Thanks to the following creators/ conversion makers for your great share!

Simenapule, K-hippie, Lindseyxsims,  Maximss, Jomsims,

Nynave Design, Mutske, Chisami, Angela,

Wondymoon, Dreamteamsims, Simple Studio404, Ung999,  Mango Sims,

Loveratsims4, Granny Zaza, Lina Cherie,  msteaqueen, imadako, 

Budgie2budgie, Evader, Buffsumm, Severinka, Pilar, Around the Sims4, 

Black Cat Phenix, Mio-Sims, Blue Hopper Simming, plasticbox

Pralinesims, ShinoKCR , Simcredible, Peace's Place, AdonisPluto

Thewanderlustzone, pqsims4, mylittlethesims3world, Zoey-Youn

KitkatsSimporium, edwardianed, Sims4Luxury, sg5150,

daturaobscura, soloriya, Allisas, Ilenies.tumblr.com, Kardofe, LoliamSims, baufive

meinkatzcreations, meghewlett, simsrocuted, dockamorpher,

cool panther, sim-sons, kittysims4, dominationkid, wherearemysims, 

harmonysimsblr, puresims, Leo Sims


Sims4 Neutral Chic House 低彩度現代鄉村宅 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: wans